LCAT – Everything you need to know
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LCAT – Everything you need to know

Welcome to the journey through the LUMS Common Admission Test, often known as the LCAT. You are not alone if you have fantasized about witnessing the intellectual richness of Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). LCAT is your critical first step in traversing its illustrious hallways. This exam is an integral part of the admissions…

3rd Entry test date for PU Undergraduate Admissions Announced
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3rd Entry test date for PU Undergraduate Admissions Announced

So, Punjab University has announced the 3rd entrance test date and schedule. Those students who want to be admitted to undergraduate programs in PU but cannot take the first test can use this opportunity. And even if you took the first test, you can also retake this one. It all depends on you. Read: AIOU…

Nums Admission 2023 [Undergraduate]

Nums Admission 2023 [Undergraduate]

The National Univerity of medical sciences, NUMS offers different programs other than mbbs/BDS. These programs have good scope. we also cover the detailed scope of different medical profession programs. For admission, candidates must qualify MDCAT For Nums or PMC MDCAT test. If candidates Failed in the mentioned test. Then He/She can appear nums UG will…

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HEC Announces List of Fake and Illegal Universities in Pakistan

HEC has announced the list of all the fake and illegal universities to save young students from fraud. Earlier this week, HEC announced the list of all these universities because many students were caught in lies. Read: FBISE Matric result in 2023 Check By Roll No & Name. As the students clear their 12th-class exams,…