12 Class Result 2023 – Check Result By Name and Roll Number [Announcd Here]
All Boards have decided to Announce the 12 Class Result 2023. The Result is Announced Here. Scroll Down to Check 2nd year Result.
Please Enter Your Roll No. Select Board from the Dropdown. Click on Board. Within a second your Mark Sheet Will Be loaded.
Check Your Exam Result
Theeeducator.pk is an official website about Today’s 12th Class Result.
2nd Year Result 2023
Please Select Your Board to Check the result. If You Need Help Comment Below.

12th Class 2023 Result Date and Time Announced
The 12th class result for all the boards is going to be announced. 13 September is the confirmed date for the result announcement. On this date, all the boards in Punjab will announce their result for 2023.
But for now, no confirmed date has been announced by board authorities. This is because the checking is still in progress. It takes a lot of time to check this volume of papers. As you know, hundreds of thousands of students each year attempt the 12th class exam. So, it takes a lot of time to check them even though the work is divided among different boards in Punjab.
And it is a board policy that a board cannot check the papers of its students. This is done to ensure maximum fairness. Students work hard all year for their results. So the board authorities also make sure to check them will full responsibility.

The names of the students are also changed with a code. This code is then the identification for the student. This is done so that the student’s answer sheet remains anonymous. It also removes any bias or chance of corruption.
So, as you can see, this whole process takes a lot of time. Your paper is checked and rechecked; sometimes, the marks are recounted. Three months is a lot less time than the work that needs to be done.
Anyhow, the result date is still not announced. The students are advised to be patient and wait calmly for their results. We will let you know of any updates so that you can plan your further actions accordingly.
If you are here to know more about the 12th class result this year, you are precisely at the right place. We have a dedicated team of researchers doing all this for you. Yes, we are doing it just for you.
The only thing we need from you is your support. Keep sharing our website with your friends and classmates. For frequent updates on this matter, keep visiting our website.
Check the 12th Class Result By Roll No
12th class result 2023 is a significant event in the careers of young students. This result decides what the career path is going to be. Whether you will be able to secure a seat in a public university or you will be applying to a private university.
This result decides what you will do in the next 4-5 years. So, students work hard for their 2nd-year supplementary exams. Students who secure good grades in 1st-year results work even harder for their 2nd-year exams and students who think they need some improvement work on their weak areas.
This way, the chances of increasing their marks in the 12th class increase significantly. After all, this result decides how the universities will assess you.
Naturally, students get extra nervous when it comes to this result. So they wait all the time, having anxious thoughts. This is why you are on this web page too. You want to know about the date on which BISE will announce the result.
We will discuss this in detail in the next section of the blog. You do not have to get nervous as we will tell you the dates for these results. Keep visiting our website for frequent updates.
12th Class Result 2nd Annual
The 12 Class Result 2nd Annual is updated here. The Candidates can check the result.
Now that the result has been announced, it is time to check it. You can check this result in different ways. You can either check it online or you can send an SMS. The candidate may also buy a gazette from the board office; even better, you can download it from our website for free on 23 September 2023.
You can use any method you want, depending on your circumstances or needs. That is, if you are aware of these methods. But we understand that some students may still not know these methods. There are students from backward areas who do not have the facilities. So they do not know of these things. But it’s okay. It is never too late to learn!
So in this blog, we have brought you a guide that you can read to learn how to check 12th class result 2023 online. You can read it if it is your first time checking your result, or if you are a parent reading this blog, you can use it too. This is a comprehensive guide for everyone.
You can check your result in three different ways:
- Online via roll number
- Gazette
Now, let’s discuss each of these methods in detail.
Check Result by Roll Number Online
This is the most convenient and helpful way to check your result. The Internet has made our lives more accessible than ever. Now, everything is just a click away from you.
You didn’t know how to check the result, or you didn’t know about the date on which the 12th class result will be announced, but now you know because you read It on the internet. Likewise, you can also check your result online by roll number. By following these simple steps, you can check your result.
- Go to theducator.pk and select your Class.
- On the day of the result, you will be redirected to the result portal
- In the search bar, enter your roll number
- Click the enter button
- Your result will appear on the page.
This is better as you can check your result and the detailed marks for each subject. It will automatically appear for you. You can also apply for rechecking of subjects you are not satisfied with.
The only downside to this is that sometimes, the website may crash due to immense traffic. Do not worry, as it happens. It is normal. All you need to do is be patient, wait some more time, and retry.
Check 2nd Year Results through SMS.
If you do not have a stable internet connection or you do not have a smartphone or a PC, then don’t worry. You can still view your result. You can check your 12th class result in 2023 via SMS. All you have to do is follow these simple steps we will explain to you.
- Open your phone’s messenger app.
- Type your roll number.
- Send the number given by your relevant board
- Wait for a reply

The reply you will get will have your marks. The cons of using this method are that you can only check one result simultaneously. It will also cost you a mobile balance for each SMS. You may also have to wait 30-40 minutes for the result.
If you check results online via roll number, you get to see your detailed marks, but using this method, you will only know your total marks. This method became popular when there were no smartphones or the internet. But now, the first discussed method has widely replaced it.
Check All Boards 2nd Year Result 2023 by SMS.
On Result Day, due to the heavy load on the server, you may face difficulty checking your intermediate result. Below we have listed all boards so you can text your roll number on the given number below to check your Result.
Sahiwal Board
To Check 2nd Year Result through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800292.”
Multan Board
To Check 2nd Year Result through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800293.”
Dera Ghazi Khan Board
To Check 2nd Year Result through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800295.”
Faisalabad Board
To Check 12 Class Result 2023 through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800240.”
Bahawalpur Board
To Check the 12th Class Result through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800298.”
Lahore Board 2nd Annual Resul 2023
2nd year Lahore Board 2nd Annual Result 2023.
To Check 12 Class Results through Sms, send your Roll Number to “80029.”
Gujranwala Board
To Check 12 Class Results through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800299.”
Rawalpindi Board
To Check 12 Class Results through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800296.”
Sargodha Board
To Check 12 Class Results through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800290.”
Sahiwal Board
To Check the 2nd Year Result through Sms, send your Roll Number to “800292.”
Check 12th Class Result By Gazette.
This is the oldest method of checking your results. You first have to get a gazette file. You can download it from our website on the day of the result or buy it from your board office on the day of the result. If the result is announced at 10 a.m., you can buy it at 10:30 or 11 a.m. Following are steps that you follow to check your result through a gazette
- Open the Gazette file.
- Press CTRL+F
- Type your roll number
- Press ENTER key
Your result will immediately appear highlighted. The gazette is a cluster of results of all the students from that board. So, to know your result immediately, you must type your roll number. You can also check the results of as many students as you can.
You can view the results of all of your students if you are a teacher. This way, without wasting time, all the results are just one click away. But you cannot see the detailed marks. Using this method, you need a smartphone or PC that can read a PDF file to check your 12th-class result.
Punjab Board Result of 12th Class Result
Students of the Punjab board can get their 12th-class results on the same date. The board announced the exams to commence on the 18th of June. So, the expected date of the result is 23 September 2023. If you know the result date, you can plan your activities accordingly.
You should start looking for the universities to which you want to apply, or you can prepare for the entrance exams. It is better not to waste any time. This way, you will be in the safe zone and at least secure a seat at a university because wasting time is a big NO now that you are entering your professional career.
The Punjab board always has top results among all the other boards in Pakistan. This is because the quality of education in Punjab province is top-notch. Most suitable universities and colleges in Punjab have high merit, so the students compete for limited seats.
This increases the competition, and students get good grades as a result. This is the secret of good grades in Punjab. Otherwise, all the students in Pakistan are equally talented and have equal potential for growth.
The result for Punjab board toppers will be announced a day before the expected date. These students have topped their boards, so the boards also honor them. A ceremony is held, and the names are also released to the public on news channels. Who knows, maybe your name will be announced among the names of the toppers.
Lahore Board 12th Class Result
The result of BISE Lahore for the 2nd year will also be announced on 23 September. Lahore board is the headquarters of all the Punjab boards. It has its importance. Most students who appear in the BISE 12th class exams are from the Lahore board.
So, it is natural that the probability of more students will high marks is better in BISE Lahore. This is just a numbers game, so do not get discouraged. But students from the Lahore board indeed have better facilities than the other boards.
So, students from this city have more opportunities to learn and perform better. It is also evident from the results each year. The top positions in the entire province have at least one student from the Lahore board.
Gujranwala 2nd Year Result
The result of the Gujranwala board is expected to come on 13 September. However, the exact date is not announced by BISE Gujranwala. The students are advised to wait patiently and check this website frequently for updates. A lot of students from the Gujranwala board study in universities.
If you take a survey, students from the Gujranwala board will make up the vast majority. This is evident because these students are open-minded and have a high literacy rate. So, the result from this board is going to be very interesting.
f you are a student from the Gujranwala board reading this, then we have great expectations from you. And we hope you do well in your exams. Do share your marks with us in the comments section.
BISE Rawalpindi 12th Class Result
Rawalpindi board 12th class result 2023, will be announced on 13 September. This is what we hope will happen. Papers are still being checked. The papers are checked and rechecked because the hard work of a lot of students is at stake.
So it takes some time for authorities to give any confirmed date. s from this region are continuously competing against students from the Federal Board. This fosters a positive environment for students to learn and work hard. However, this might be taxing for pupils at times.
However, it had no negative impact on students from this board. As a result, we anticipate that the Rawalpindi board’s results will also be excellent this year. Last year’s 11th-class result passing rate for these youngsters was considerably higher than the previous year’s. So a better result is expected this year too.
Sargodha Board 2nd Year Result
Students from this board can expect their results on 23 September. This is a tentative date. It is just a guess from us. We have guessed it based on the date on which your exams started. So, you can visit us on our website for a confirmed date.
This board’s students have consistently performed admirably. Their results have usually been comparable to those of other boards in Punjab. Even though kids from other cities may have more lavish facilities, Sargodha board pupils have performed effectively despite these shortcomings.
Sargodha BISE encompasses many cities, and the results for all cities will likely be released on the same day. The toppers’ results will be announced the day before. This outcome will be broadcast on television. So keep an eye out. Who knows, maybe you’ll be one of the best scorers.
Sahiwal BISE 12 Class result
The results for these students will come out on 23 September. But this is just a wild guess from us. You must visit our website for any updates. Sahiwal board can be considered a young board as it hasn’t been established for that long.
But because it is still new, the students from the Sahiwal board show good exam results. So these students are also expected to do great in their 12th class results in 2023. This is an encouragement for other students who think that you only need good facilities if you want to have a chance to perform well in the examination.
Bahawalpur Board 12th Class result
The result will be announced on the same date as all the other boards. We have discussed the date with you. Students from Bahawalpur have also demonstrated their strengths and capacities via their results.
When there is so much competition, it isn’t easy to get decent grades. However, this board’s students have typically performed well. The Bahawalpur board exam consists of both conceptual and conventional papers. As a result, checking these tests takes some time.
A different board then checks these papers. As a result, students must be patient while waiting for their results.
Multan BISE Results
The expected date for the announcement of the result is the same as we have discussed. But you have to understand that this is just our guess. It can be different too. We are also waiting for board authorities to confirm a date.
As soon as it happens, we will announce it on our website. So if you do not want to miss any updates, bookmark us and turn on the notifications.
Students from this region have likewise performed admirably against all of Punjab’s other boards. Multan board pupils have set a high standard for other Saraiki belt students. In 1st year exams, these students achieved a 99% passing ratio.
This is a terrific sign that things are going in the right direction. The students at BISE Multan deserve all of the credit. If you are a Multan board student, you must continue to work hard because it lifts the emotions of other students from the same region.
Dera Ghazi Khan Board Result for 2nd year FSc
On the result date, BISE may announce the 12th class result for all the boards. BISE D.G. Khan students can also expect their results to be announced on this same day. Good luck if you are a student of BISE Dera Ghazi Khan.
These students have always taken me by surprise. Even though they have fewer facilities than the other provincial boards, they have managed to secure seats there. This board’s students have been living examples of perseverance and character.
BISE Dera Ghazi Khan has many students from tribal communities under its control. These kids cannot always access basic amenities such as power or a decent school structure. Nonetheless, they have been able to demonstrate some promising results. This serves as a model for all other students.
Faisalabad 12th Class Result
Students have to wait as the papers are still being checked. But it is natural as paper checking is a hectic process that may take time. This Is because it is not just checking the paper but ensuring that marks are calculated correctly.
Students in the Faisalabad board work extremely hard and play a vital role in society once they reach the professional world. BISE Faisalabad has produced a large number of doctors and engineers in Pakistan. As a result, the pupils eagerly awaited their results.
In this article, we have discussed a lot of things. We discussed the situation of paper checking. We also gave you a guess of when the result will be announced. The result is usually announced on the same day for all the boards.
This year’s results are going to be a treat. We will see a lot of surprises as this is the first time after the pandemic situation that things have returned to normal.
We also talked about different methods that you can use to check your results. You can ask us in the comments section if you still have any ambiguity or confusion. We hope all the students will also be kind enough to help their peers. If you have already checked your marks, please, comment on your marks below. We would love to see them.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
How can I check my 12 Class Result?
You can check your result via these methods:
- Roll number online
- Gazette
Is the 12th Class Result date announced?
No, the result date is not announced yet. We will let you know if there are any updates.
When are the results of the toppers announced?
The toppers’ results are announced the day before the result of other students is announced.
Can I start preparing for MDCAT before the result is announced?
Yes, by all means, you should start preparing for the entry test. Pre-engineering students should also take their ECAT and other tests.
Can I apply for universities before my 12th class result is announced?
It depends on the policies of the university you are applying to. If they agree on it, then you can. But the majority of universities will ask you for the 12th class result 2023. But do not worry, as their schedule will be aligned accordingly.
You can comment here. We will Check Your 2nd year result 2023 here.