How To Prepare ESE Educators Test ( BPS-14 )
The Elementary School Educator Test (BPS-14) is one of the competitive exams you will take. You’ve worked hard on your Master’s Degree, now it’s time to give back by educating our future generations. Now is the time to start preparing; we’re here to help.
Many ESE (BPS-14) exam takers complain that there isn’t enough preparation material on the internet. This article will provide helpful information about ESE elementary school educators’ tests, such as interview questions and answers, past papers, exam tips, and sample questions. To succeed in the ESE test (BPS-14), you will need these preparatory materials to help you feel more confident during your exams. You can use the following links to prepare for PPSC’s ESE exam.
Under the new policy, the educator ESE post will have a BPS-14 scale instead of the BPS-9 scale. Scales of these positions are revised in a new policy. Educators of the 9th scale will now enjoy the 14th scale.
You can find all information related to ESE (BPS-14), like qualification required, age limit, resources, or links where you can download the study material to prepare for the PPSC ESE exam and many other things on
In this article, you’ll know about:
- What is ESE in the education department
- Qualification required for ESE (Science BPS-14)
- Qualification required for ESE (Arts BPS-14)
- Syllabus for written test
- How to prepare for PPSC educators’ test
- Study plan helpful tips
- Resources for preparation
- Sample papers 2022 (Download link)
- FAQs
Let’s start.
What Is ESE in the Education Department
ESE stands for Elementary school Educator. The Elementary School Educator(ESE) Test is conducted by the Punjab Public Service Commission to employ teachers in government schools.
A large number of applicants who want to become teachers apply for this exam. In fact, many applicants fail the exam even if they know all the material required. Therefore, you must be well prepared before taking this test. Otherwise, you may suffer the same fate.
Qualification required for ESE (Science BPS-14)
The candidate must possess 16 years of education (Master’s degree/BS/BS(Hons)) (at least 2nd division) Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Biology, Mathematics and their relevant branches recognized and declared equivalent by the High Education Commission, Government of Pakistan or QEDC of the School Education Department based on course content.
Professional Qualification:
Professional qualifications include B.Ed, BS.Ed, M.Ed, MS.Ed, and ADE.
Qualification required for ESE (Arts BPS-14)
The candidate must possess a Master’s Degree/BS/BS(Hons) (16 years of education) with a minimum of 2nd Division in Urdu, English, Pakistan Studies, Psychology, Islamiat, Political Science, History, Geography, Statistics, Home Economics, Education, and the relevant branches of higher education that are recognized and issued/declared equivalent by the Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan, and QEDC of the Department of School Education.
Professional Qualification
B.Ed.BS.Ed, M.Ed, MS.Ed, and ADE will be considered professional qualifications.
Note: A degree must be issued by a university that is recognized by the Higher Education Commission.

Syllabus for Written Test
This is a one-paper, MCQ-type written test with a time limit of 90 minutes. You will be given a syllabus that is as follows:
Syllabus | Percentage |
Qualification-related Questions (Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Biology, Mathematics) | 50% |
General Knowledge including
Pakistan Studies, Current Affairs, Islamic Studies (Ethics for non-Muslim candidates), Geography, Basic Mathematics, English, Urdu, Everyday Science, and Computer Studies. | 50% |
Age and Gender
The positions may be applied for by males and male transgenders, as well as females and female transgenders if they possess the required qualifications.
Male and Male transgender: 20 to 30 + 5 years general age relaxation in the upper age limit = 35
Female and female transgender: 20 to 30 + 8 years general age relaxation in the upper age limit = 38
Place of Posting: Candidates who qualify can be appointed anywhere in Punjab.
How to Prepare for PPSC ESE Educators’ Test
Having a comprehensive study plan for the test can help you master the knowledge needed for taking this test and will ultimately help you pass it with flying colors.
For every applicant, the Elementary School Educator Test is a cause for worry. People who need to pass the test would make all efforts to pass it. Preparation for it will be not only challenging but also time-consuming. You will have to make a study plan and act accordingly. Don’t waste your time on useless activities on the internet.
Prepare notes by reading all the books and study materials provided by the Punjab textbook board. Notes are extremely useful when you need to recall information during your tests. Then, review online resources like notes, past papers, and sample papers. Take as many tests as possible. These tests will help you best prepare for your exams.

Study Plan Helpful Tips
You know that every exam/test requires your attention, hard work, and a study plan, so if you want to pass this ESE-Test, then you need to follow your study plan. Here are a few tips that could help you in preparing for your PPSC ESE test. Follow these tips to get good grades in your exams.
- Make a study schedule for yourself.
- Preparing notes beforehand will help you recall information more easily during an exam.
- Nowadays, we live in an internet world, so you can learn from the internet, from various test preparation websites and groups, etc.
- A minimum of two or three subjects should be studied daily.
- Current affairs are also included in this test, so you should read newspapers every day.
- Learn some basic knowledge of computer science.
- Read books related to Islamic studies and general knowledge.
- Learn about the questions asked during the exams by using past papers and sample papers.
Resources for Preparation
There are thousands of resources that you can use in the internet world. Multiple sites are providing knowledge regarding computer science, physics, chemistry, Urdu, and many other subjects. There are many sites that are providing useful resources to prepare for the exams.
Best Publishers
The following publishers are providing helpful resources for competitive exams. They have a variety of books that may be helpful resources for you to prepare for your exams.
- Dogar Publisher for Educators(ESE-Test)
- Ilmi Brothers
- Bhatti Brothers
Sample Papers 2022 (Download link)
Here are some of the download links where you can download sample papers and other helpful material to prepare for PPSC ESE exams. Download the resources and take your time to utilize all these resources.
Name | Download Link |
ESE-Science sample paper | Download |
Current Affairs | Download |
Basic Information about Pakistan | Download |
General knowledge | Download |
We have provided maximum information related to PPSC ESE educators’ jobs and provide you with the resources. Now it’s your turn to utilize these resources and prepare for your exams. We wish you all the best for the educators jobs 2022.
If you have any questions, confusion, suggestions, or ideas, please leave a comment, and our team and active members will respond to you as soon as possible.
Q. How many educator jobs are going to be announced this year.
Ans: 16000 educators’ jobs as well as 11000 non-teaching jobs are going to be announced this year.
Q. Is it possible for a candidate to apply for more than one job at a time.
Ans: Yes, A candidate can apply for more than one job at a time but he’ll have to submit a separate form for each job.
Q. What is the fee for applying for PPSC educators’ jobs.
Ans: There is a fee of RS 600/- for applying for educator positions.