Top 10 Tips To Get High Marks In ECAT 2024 Test[ Topper Interview ]
Here in this article, we will tell you the top 10 tips To get high marks on each test, and also here we will post ecat topper interview from last year, So if you want to know how to prepare for each test and what syllabus and whats merit criteria this platform is the right place for all nonmedical students.
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Tips To Get High Marks On the ECAT Test
All Intermediate students would properly read these steps and then follow

1. Know Basic Points About Ecat
First of all, you know all the basic things and points about the engineering test that will be the Ecat test, mean in one word that will be What is Ecat ??
The cat test is the engineering test that will be conducted by the University of Engineering And Technology in Pakistan. There will be a total of 100 Mcqs and each MCQ have 4 Marks, which means a total of 400 Marks in the Ecat test. And for more details, subjects wise then visit this article.
Read:- ECAT Past Papers PDF
2. Ecat Preparation Start while In Fsc
The best way is that you will be prepared for the Ecat test according to the latest syllabus while you are in the Fsc level even 1st part or 2nd part. No mistake that you think after taking 2nd-year exams then freely prepare ecat test. If you start from the 1st-year ecat test then you will be done clear your concepts and guarantee you will get 90% Marks in ecat test.
3. Focus On Your Study
Always think about your study and future, then your success in your life, so this will happen, when you fully focus on your study then you have own full confidence and surely get 90% to above marks.
4. Set Your TimeTable
If you want to get the highest marks in ecat test, then you will need to make time table of your study, this will be a more important step for your success in the future to get admission in engineering universities in Pakistan by passing this ecat test.
5. Set Your Aim- What is your Goal ??
This thing will depend on your confidence and the successful feelings that will you look forward to, and your aim will build your ambiguity to find anything in life. So all of you need to set your goal for starting your preparation of cat test 201 and wanted to get admission in a high-rank university with high grades.
6. Well Management-No Stress
Don’t worry about anything, just focus on your study and believe in yourself, if you want to become a success in life that will be the best rule for life, so if you want to get 370 marks out of 400, then this thing will be adopted then you attain your goal.
Read:- ECAT Book 2023
7. Practice Make Perfect
All of you know that quotes that practice makes perfect in every field of life, so here it means when you make nature to study daily base and make a timetable. And science subjects daily readout like Math this will be wanted more time and Practice, other subjects like English, Physic & Chemistry needed your time and practice.
8. Be Positive ( +ve Thinking )
Always your thinking good and positive because this will be very important for your life and face many problems in life if I tell the simple word that will be not thinking a bad thing and not doing any bad habits because habits disturb you and burden on your mind while positive thinking always you fresh with a mind.
9. Smart Study with Hardworking
All educational fields required learning points, study, and hard-working because in FSC you needed Very Hardworking, but in ECAT you need a smart way to study, means you learn with basic concepts from Punjab textbooks, KIPS Notes, Scholar’s Notes and from online searching and gathering main data with pdf form.
10. Past Paper- [Ecat Sample Papers]
In the end, when you complete your syllabus and read out these four subjects with caring and attention, then this step will be very important, past papers will be very helpful for every exam of any field. So, Ecat past papers will be very useful for engineering students.
And also here on this Platform, you will get the best ecat preparation notes that will be the most favorable for you and may help you in preparation for each test. In these notes 1500 Most important Questions and Answers for 4 subjects individually.
Read:- Ecat Preparation
- Math 300 Mcqs
- Chemistry 300 Mcqs
- Physic 300 Mcqs
- English 300 Mcqs
ECAT Topper Interview
Every year many students top ECAT test in Pakistan. Last year
that student top ECAT, his name is Syed Muhammad Ahmad Kazmi.
Introduction of ECAT topper (Syed Muhammad Ahmad
Syed Muhammad Ahmad Kazmi was born on4 June 1986 in
Multan. He was a scholar and his contribution to Pakistan
movement, Urdu translation and Tafseer of Quran and Darse-Hadith.
Interview of Syed Muhammad Ahmad Kazmi for ECAT:
Question: What is your name?
Answer: My name is Syed Muhammad Ahmad Kazmi.
Question: Where you got your education?
Answer: I got my F.S.C degree in Government degree college, Lahore.
Question: How many marks in your ECAT (Engineering college
admission test)?
Answer: I got 343 marks out of 400 in between 50,000 students from
all over Pakistan.
Question: What you said about your success?
Answer: I am very grateful to Allah firstly. ALLAH helps me too
much and after this, I look at the Prophet and parents prayers also
Question: Is the ECAT test different from Matric and F.S.C.?
Answer: Yes, the ECAT test is different from Matric and F.S.C. in this
test if students can be prepared this test then no guarantee about this test
that students can solve it. That ‘why I always pray for God that if I don’t
remember any question in my mind then God put this question in my
Question: What are your expectations before got admission in KIPS?
Answer: Before admission in KIPS I have high expectations because
last year position holder student is from KIPS. If I use the methodology
of KIPS then there is no difficulty that I can position in ECAT.
Question: How was your experience of ECAT test with KIPS?
Answer: My experience with ECAT test preparation is excellent. KIPS
help me and provide me proper guidance. Either else teachers concept
and methodology is excellent. The pattern of MCQS is very similar to the ECAT
admission test. KIPS also cover topics related to testing and time
management also which got a lot of help.
Question: What do you think is the best way of monitoring the entry
Answer: I think the best way to prepare the chapter-wise test from the book and also solved the KIPS entry test of ECAT. Your score is
directly proportional to the scores that you gained. As well as your
lengthy question, you can prepare from LMS and also solve past
Question: Is ECAT (Engineering admission test) is a passion game?
Answer: I think ECAT is a passionate game. During the test, if you panic when the game is over. Meanwhile, you can learn from your test and the best way
of learning from the test. If you mistake more and more, you can learn from
your mistakes and it can help you.
Question: how much duration is required for ECAT test?
Answer: you can prepare your ECAT test in two years because
ECAT preparation duration is less. So, you can utilize your F.S.C
duration and also clear your concepts.
Hopefully, this article will be very helpful for preparation for the entry test, here also given the top 10 tips and tricks for ecat students, and also I will post last year’s topper Interview ( Ahmad Kazmi ), he will share his experience how he prepared engineering test, so ECAT students could also follow him.