Turkey Scholarship 2023 For Pakistan Students [Online Apply]
Many Students have been trying to get a scholarship after they are done completing their Master, M Phil, or Ph.D. degree in other countries like China, Turkey, the US, Uk, Germany, etc. This is a fully funded Turkey Scholarship 2023 For Pakistan Students.
So this will be the right place for all of you whose searching for scholarships for your own country or International Level, Mostly Many foreign countries give scholarships to Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, So here discuss just Turkey Scholarships gov in.

There will be following steps given below, that will be complete information about the Turkey scholarship
- Turkish Scholarship
- Eligibility Criteria
- Benefits
- How To apply for a Turkish Scholarship
- Online Application Procedure
Turkish Scholarship 2023
The Government of Turkey gives chances for scholarships to students all over the world for Bachelor Master, Mphil, and Ph.D. students. Also, this country opens its doors to all over the world students, which will allow them to study in Turkey.
Why does the Turkish Gov give Scholarships? Because this country wants understanding and mutual relation with other countries, and also get new experience and knowledge during this trip. And also, this country gives admission to extraordinary and talented students in their Prestigious Universities in Turkey.
Eligibility Criteria
Many other countries’ students allow for this Turkey Scholarship; some countries will be eligible for just through Postgraduate applications that will be rich countries, And others some countries will be eligible undergraduate programs like Pakistan, India, the US, UAE, Bangladesh, Germany, etc. The Eligibility Criteria of this Scholarship Opportunity…
- The residents of Turkey will not be eligible for applying for this scholarship, Only other countries will be eligible.
- Age will also be a matter for the application that on post or degree, you will apply for undergraduate students; the applicant will not be born before January 1997. For Master, the candidates will not be born before January 1988. For Ph.D., the applicant will not be born before January 1983, and for the research program, ‘s should be born before January 1973.
- For Undergraduates students, 70% of applicants can be apply
- For Master/MPhil/Ph.D. Students, 75% applier can be applied
- 90% of applications for Medical Schools
- Students already studying in Turkey will not be eligible for this scholarship.
- Turkish Citizenship will not be eligible for this International Scholarship
- That’s students will be selected, and they present with their documents otherwise not entertained.
The Turkey Government will be giving the following benefits to those students who will be selected for this Scholarship…
- Accommodation will be free, with No fee for any hostel or residence; they will be accommodated at the University. This will be The best benefit that residence will be free of cost.
- There is no Fee for starting your study or even during your study till the end of your course work or completing your degree; there will be no fee or charge, so don’t worry.
- Travel Expensive will be a great benefit for students because the Turkey Govt. will be giving 2 Tickets to the selected students, One Ticket for arrival and Other Ticket will be returned after they complete their studies.
- Health Expensive also will be a good and great job from the Turkey Government for giving free Health facilities to Scholar Students. And also Turkey Govt. Covered for the Student’s Health care by Public Health Insurance.
How To Apply For a Scholarship 2023
There will be the following Programmes applied for this scholarship like Undergraduate, Master, Mphil, Ph.D., and postdoctoral. And Selection Criterion will be the following.
- University Exams Grade
- Average Grade
- Diploma Grade
- International Score
- High School Graduation
Online Applications
If you will be willing for applying for this scholarship then you will also online application means you can submit your application online through this Portal link given below, You can put your qualification and personal data and which post you apply, you can mention in submitting an application, So Hurry up, Last Date for Applying will be 20 February of each year, because Turkey Govt. almost every year announced Scholarship. So you can submit your application Online Apply Link For Turkish Scholarship 2019-2020
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